SIA vacuum mixer model AM-802 compose of a stainless steel cylindrical tank with semi-spherical base. Stainless steel paddles rotate within the chamber producing a double movement of the product, by crossing and alternative overlapping, that allows to KNEAD-MIX and to
MASSAGE all kinds of pastes without any overworking, bruising neither harmful heating of the paste. All the components of the mix are perfectly distributed with no pockets of unmixed product left inside the tank in a short time. Remarkable qualities when compared with other
mixers on the market.
The created depression and the removal of the intermolecular air by the vacuum action lets an increase of the density, a quick albumin obtaining, a de-aeration of the paste, resulting in improved quality, texture, colour, a reduction in oxidisation related problems, a save in weight, obtaining with this a big increase in the self-life of the product.
Different paddles can be supplied for both mixing and massaging of either large pieces of meat and boned hams.
The framework and all the components in contact with the product are manufactured in stainless steel throughout.
Tank cover is made in clear acrylic.
A high power motor gearbox assembly drives the paddles. If required a variable speed gearbox can be fitted. The selection of the working options is very simple.
Vacuum regulator
Vacuum can be adjusted from 0 to a higher vacuum.
Control board
The machines are controlled by a control panel with TIMER and INSIDE PROGRAMMER of working cycle that allows the selection of the following parameters:
– Selection of total time of process (outside selector).
– Set the paddle turning time in each direction and also the speed in each direction.
– Work with vacuum action, without vacuum or alternately (lung effect).
The mixer is supplied with an exclusive SIA system to remove both shaft and paddles, ensuring complete hygiene and avoiding potential faults, resulting in no fermentations or bad smells of the product. Usual bearing and oil seals faults in mixers are also prevented with this
Sausages: Minced meat mixing with additives, salamis, big sausages (chorizo)…etc, massaged of big meat pieces, york bar, boiled ham…etc.
All kind of pork butcher´s: sausage, puddings, pâtés, fresh sausage…etc.
Pre-cooked food: pâtés, mix, sauces, raw salads, cooked salads…etc.
Mixer model AM-802 can be supplied with an incorporated hydraulic lifter for standard wagons of 200 litres.